Does any one know if Arthur Fonzarelli was made. I know that he was a massive earner as an associate back in the 50s. He ran a vending machine business/ protection racket centered on jukeboxes. He would tell the owners of a business that he could fix their "broken" jukeboxes. After the paid up, he would walk over to the jukebox, hit it, then it would work 'again'. He was also deep in chop shops. He was so familiar with motorcycles that he actually put one together blind once. He must have done thousands. He was never picked up by the Feds because he was so low key. He would wear leather jackets instead if brioni suits. He kept his house in name to a family who owed him gambling debts. He actually lived above the garage to trick the police.

He was so low key that he's hard to find info about happened in the 50s. Does anyone know if he was ever made? Was he involved in the unions or the Vegas skim? Any info?