Originally Posted By: Ted
Originally Posted By: TommyGambino

Complete guesswork. You have no idea weather Nicodemo will flip or not.

One of the Philly posters says he talked to Nicodemo's uncle who visited him in prison. His uncle left with the impression that it can go either way on Nicodemo flipping. The fact that Nicodemo hasn't flipped already probably means he won't before the trial takes place. Like Giancarlo said, that can change if he is convicted.

That's not good for the Philly guys. The poster knows what he is talking about ( he works with nicodemos uncle). This is the first I have heard anything about his uncle having that impression. It's not really a surprise though since he didn't flip right away. Smart money says that IF he flips it will be after he loses at trial. Why not? If the Feds lose this one they will still give him a sweetheart deal. I'm not saying he will flip, just saying if he does, it will be after trial.