Originally Posted By: Spadine
Yeah loose kinda sits back on alot . He had lot of oppprtunities & passed on them .There are guys making $$$$ here & most are in scraps & car business .Alot of legit business/ but you know something has to be goin on.Most all work( have legit job or business)& booking is all controlled by a couple guys.They got alot of nobodys handling for them.Shys are big too - as you say alot of street $$$ not bank & All the unions are controlled still & the carpenters are prob the biggest .Ironworkers also were but feds knocked them- it was a deal w/NY & millions came outta pensions fund!Thonk bout this ,cleveland port is big enough to handle alot & bcuz all think cleve is done/easiest place to do alot( no eyes) lucky to have a couple feds dedicated to work on things.Youngstown does have guys up there & buffalo has a few also on outskirts in ashtabula .I just came back up here & was in sun & fun for 20 yrs.Just kinda hanging playin cards w/few guys here & there & u hear lotta shit.

SO a few guys control all bookmaking??? come on man there Are dozens of independent bookies. Nobody controls all the bookmaking in the area. Sure there are allot of people doing business but there is no formal Lcn in Cleveland. There still A crew or two doing some things but again its not LCN in A traditional sense. We do have a big mob culture in the Area. Allot of talk about it and miss the old days etc some younger guys want to pretend etc. But most of it is just talk. Guys people think are heavy are really nothing when push comes to shove, aka they will not have you popped

Some of the unions have certain people in them but they are mostly small unions. Does that mean those unions are scamming? No it doesn't, the union officers draw good salaries. Look what happened to Nick Nardi some years back. Now look at Sonny he is clean. Same with libs kid. There will always be union corruption in some form. The docks are run by the Irish. Again always going to be smuggling and scams going just like any other port. But is there a mass conspiracy on the docks no!
The Cleveland mob lost most of its power when it lost the strangle hold on the unions. The rest was lost to mismanagement and not making new guys and of course the fbi and rico.