Originally Posted By: TheArm
Originally Posted By: ChiTown
Arm are you from Buffalo or Rockford or what? If you were from Buffalo, what is your connection to Chicago? Unless you are just an internet name dropper with a fake persona.

Joe Passucci never had a "crew" outside of Mary Daddono and his girlfriends. The guy was also an informant in the early 80s and that is exactly why no one in Chicago has given him the time of day in 30 + years.

I was born in Brooklyn, raised in Upstate NY and now live in Cook County. My connection with Chicago is that I have immediate family who were Buffalo made and LIUNA connected on both sides, so my name and my Mothers maiden name carries recognician and respect just about everywhere, including Chicago and Rockford. So I know of which I speak.
As for Joe Pooch, he sure as the hell did have a crew and they kicked up to Melrose Park. As for he being an informent, I would be very careful before making an accusation like that. Yes, after his last arrest he professed a "come to Jesus" moment for which he should have won an Oscar, but he flipped on NO one.

lol just another wannabe. Here is some advice: at least research the shit you lie about.

Joe Pooch was a small time bookmaker who mainly worked for Dominic Basso. It was the brother Mike who did the juice loans and bankrolled all of the operations. Both Pascucci's worked for the Ferriola Cicero crew, not Melrose Park. When that crew--guys like Infelise and DeLaurentis--went to trial, Joe Pooch was called as a witness since he was paying street tax. Other guys called to testify--guys like Chuckie Cesario and Tony Petranella--they all asserted their 5th amendment and did months in prison on contempt. Not Joe Pooch however and from what I hear, most walked away from the guy.