Hello everyone. This is my first post although I have been reading this board for the past four years. There are many informative posters on here that share my interest in organized crime, and I have learned a lot. Many posters on here do sometimes come across as jerks, but the fact is they are knowledgeable and if you can get past their personalities, then you actually learn a lot if you actually are objective and listen. However, recently there has been a poster on this forum that has been giving some questionable information. I am not going to accuse him of being a fake because the fact is even though I am fairly certain he is one, I do not know for sure. There is one post by this person that I feel I must refute as I know the person he or she slandered, and I feel I must speak up.

The person I am referring to is Thomas “Tommy” Marotta. I am from Rochester, NY and I have known most of the accused members of the former Rochester Cosa Nostra family on a personal and in some cases on a business level but that is neither he nor there. The poster in question claimed that Mr. Marotta was a cocaine addict, an idiot, and was never respected by anyone. This is 100% BS. Mr. Marotta was never a cocaine addict and in fact he was and still is a picture of health. I know an argument the poster in question will say is that Mr. Marotta was convicted for cocaine trafficking in 2001. The fact is he himself did not sell one gram of coke. It was Anthony Delmonti, Anthony Leonardo, and Albert Ranieri who were actually involved. Marotta was just getting a cut because of Delmonti. This leads me to the accusation that Mr. Marotta was an idiot for “making” Delmonti.

I will concede that Marotta was indeed naïve to trust Delmonti, but the newspapers did not report an aspect of the story I will mention. The whole “Making” ceremony was really not official. Marotta knew that at one time Tony Delmonti was obsessed with being in the mob. Marotta saw that Tony was coming to him with all these scams and stories on how he was going to make a lot of money and Marotta wanted a cut. He knew if he “made” Delmonti, then Delmonti would have to give him a piece of everything he made. However, it was Delmonti who was scamming Marotta in the end, as we all know. The only guy in Rochester, who could make new members even though he never would now, would be Rene Piccaretto. Rene actually moved back into Rochester a few years ago if anyone cares.

The last claim I will refute is that Marotta was not respected. The poster in question claims that Marotta was shot because he was an unreliable coke head. The truth is he was shot because of a rivalry with Rene Piccaretto over gambling rackets and an exotic dancer. Check out this link for a brief background on this: http://www.fromthegangtogannett.com/Excerpts.htm.

I look forward to posting more and if anyone is interested I would be happy to discuss what Rochester CN members are still active, what they are into, and who they work with. I would also love to discuss organized crime in general.

You say share my life, and I think share my tequila. And then I think.... no.-Principal Lewis