Largely, NY and the Outfit were the only national crime families. The rest were much more localized. Therefore, they received the most media attention and their tough guys were the most well known.

The LA Family wasn't known for being particularly tough. Anthony Fiato is said to have been of the toughest enforcers. I have no doubt he was tough, but I think some of what he said was exaggerated. He claims to have shaken down Vito Spillone, Michael Esposito and possibly Tommy Sinopoli in the early 1980s. This is highly unlikely.

Spillone is a made guy from Chicago (now shelved), Espo is an LA made guy (close to the Gambinos through a relative) and Sinopoli is a Gambino I believe. Back in the early 1980s, there's no way either Chicago or the Gambinos would let a non made guy push them around.

Right now the most feared LA gangster is probably Dominic Montemarano, "Donny Shacks," because he is the Colombo Underboss.