Originally Posted By: Spadine
I told you right off the cuff Im not made and wasnt even an associate.Had a uncle who was & thru him met everyone & I did alot of things for them .Funny I was promised alot but after all the arrests- well all went awry.JCB said it best- youd hafta be crazy.I tell you as a kid I was afraid of them rattin on me & stayed away . I figure im young & not connected & who loses but me. I really believe I was more solid than most of em.What about Gigi & Reggabutto(dead)?Names arent mentioned at all .Theres a guy whos heavy- Milanos nephew, owns an import place thats big & has a club Nido where alot of more recent guys all hang out( safe haven)

Regalbuto by the way.
You did allot of things and you think this guy from nido is heavy . What did you do wash his car and get his dry cleaning?
dude are you kidding? you cant be serious? The only thing heavy about the owner of Nido is his fat ass. He is A cool guy though.

Last edited by strococs; 01/15/14 03:54 PM.