There was this thread made by some1 about Murray Humphreys and it got me thinking about his allegedly suspicious death.In 1965 he was found dead of a heart attack in his 51st floor apartment.Story goes that three FBI agents arrived and knocked on the door of Humphreys’ apartment and old man Hump answered with a gun in his hand.They quickly overpowered and handcuffed him and took him to the station.In his apartement the agents found a coded journal wich allegedly was never deciphered.He was taken into custody and then released on bond.THree hours later Murray was found dead by his brother,lying face down on the floor in his apartment.The coroner said it was a heart attack.His borther reported that,when he found Murray on the ground he saw many signs of battle and things thrown around the room.The authorities quckly removed his body and in a record time they did the autopsy and no1 gave any report on foul play.

One source also states that one of the people that did the autopsy on Murray,said that he saw a small puncture wound behind Murrays right ear.It was suspected that maybe an empty needle filled with air was injected in him that caused his death.This inspired newspaper columnist Mike Royko by sayin that the mobster had “died of unnatural causes.”

What do you guys think about the whole situation?Usually in situations like this many people say "Its bullshit" and stuff like that but who knows???I dont see any reason why he would be killed by the agents?!I think that he died from all the stress that was goin around him in his last days.Whats your opinion guys?

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good