Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

But seriously, as far as public relations go, Tacopina is a hell of a lawyer, but he's not at all likeable. Neither is A-Rod, for that matter. So I'm not sure what a good PR team could do for him anyway.

A good PR team would tell ARod to stop with his scorched earth strategy. To accept his binding arbitration decision quietly and forget about pursuing a highly publicized losing proposition with the federal courts. Stay away from the spring training- instead, he could get involved with charities and help the community. At the least, drop his frivolous lawsuits against the MLB headquarters, Yankees organization, and the Yankee doctor. A good PR team would advise ARod to quit insisting that he never touched PED's as a Yankee when most fans probably believe he is lying- especially since Horowitz reviewed the evidence and slapped him with a full season's suspension.

Speaking of Tacopina not being likable....he nearly came to blows with a witness in the closed door hearings for ARod's arbitration. What kind of lawyer threatens to beat up witnesses?! lol
And he always seems to have an expression as if he wants to kick someone's ass....if he didn't go to law school, he could have gotten a job working as a juice collector for a mobster!

You shit-kicking, stinky, horse-manure-smelling motherfucker you! If you ever get out of line over there again, I'll smash your fucking head so hard you won't be able to get that cowboy hat on. You hear me? Fucking hick. -Nicky (Casino)