Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Originally Posted By: EricKumerow
Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
Hey eric, any inside scoop on the outfit for us? wink

Of course why do you think I'm here. smile

I have read every thread on the board lurking for a few months. Some funny stuff.

Although I have to admit I read some total BS the other day posted by someone saying that NY forced Capone to give up prostitution to become part of LCN. LMAO

Guess he's never been here on Mannheim Road, or Cicero in the 80's into the 90's. Not to mention some other places. Sure the Outfit gave up pimping out women. LOL

But this seems like a pretty good site.

Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
Ya man hope ya stick around. Haha ya im not sure where that idea about giving up prostitution came from, ive never heard that before.

Well, believe it or not, just because you´ve never heard of it before, doesn´t mean it never happened.

I have no clue what and who the outfit pimped out in the 1980s and the 1990s. Frankly, I don´t care. I suppose you´re not old ennugh to know what happened in 1931. Neither am I god thanks. But that´s why we use Gentile, for example, as reference of what happened. Gentile´s manuscript provides interesting facts of the Mafia and other stuff that went down from apr 1920 to mid 1930s.

Whatever you say. Just finished reading the book on the Chicago Heights crew (who I knew nothing about since I grew up on the northwest side). BTW - Pretty good book, not as good as 5 families or The Outfit however.

Suffice it to say, that crew ran gambling joints and brothels, along with a taxi cab company to shuttle you back and forth to take your money all 3 ways. From the beginning of the whole thing. So maybe the outfit didn't actually comply with this supposed demand? smile

Glad I found this place, some good info and interesting characters. Like I said I've been here lurking probably 6 months and have read it all for the most part.

Thanks for the welcome Dellacroce.