Originally Posted By: NinoSconza
Originally Posted By: JCB1977
My family is from Reggio, Calabria and I know that when I have gone over there and when my parents travel there every year, many of the Calabrians and Abbruzese look at Sicilians as peasants and untrustworthy people. The southern Italians also still have nothing good to say about Northern Italians (as my dad was born in San Marino-his dad from Calabria, his mom from from Bologna). And vice versa, Northern Italians look at Southern Italians as peasants and uneducated.

Similar to how in the U.S, there are labels for all the different parts of the country. The south has rednecks, the northerners have money, the Midwest is wholesome and full of nice people, the west coast are liberal hippies etc...most likely the same in every country.

Thank you for clarifying that and using the United States as an Example. I could care less what part you come from. I just can't stand Italians that try and act or promote that there SUPER ITALIAN!!

I mean bumper stickers, T-shirts.. " It's Gravy not sauce" my great grand mudda always said gravvy gtfoh lol Fucking bunch of wannabe reality tv stars certain places you go.

I agree so much. The jersey shore cast members and everything. Personally I enjoyed that show because I felt it was entertaining but in reality it was sickening. These guys were American not italian. If you were raised italian you know what being italian is. Those who try to boast seem to not know what being italian really is.