Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

Many others before you have floated that theory. But even if that excuse holds water, and that's debatable, it only works for so long. The feds have the same changing priorities in the Tri-State area, New England, Philadelphia, and Chicago and yet there have still been ongoing mob cases there. Am I really supposed to believe Detroit is so different?

NY, Chicago, Philly, and NE are much more active than Detroit, that's why law enforcement continues to go after them. Are you really comparing law enforcement's focus on the hundreds of NY/NJ mafia members to the 25 or so Detroit mobsters. The FBI's own website states that Italian organized crime is most active in the Northeast, so that just might explain why there is more focus on those areas than in the Midwest.

The entire Lucchese Family has 3 FBI agents assigned to it. How many do you think they assigned to Detroit? I would bet 10:1 that there are no FBI agents assigned to the Detroit mob. You expect us to believe that the FBI has almost no resources to go after the Lucchese Family's hundreds of members and associate's union infiltration, garbage, drug trafficking, murder, extortion, bid rigging and dozens of other criminal activities, yet it has active investigations and agents assigned to the Detroit mob's 25 geriatric members gambling and loansharking?

I think I'll take the word of the FBI, state police, and Detroit mob experts that the family is still active.