There are at least 6 social clubs within the vicinity of Arthur Avenue, maybe a 3 block radius. They are run by different crews or different factions of crews. There are also albanian and macedonian clubs.

DOJ and FBI guys go to these places. Maybe not the clubs, but they frequent the restaurants and they do take pictures and they do have agents there. The Bronx DA used to go to Roberto's often, as did Mayor Bloomberg. When Hilary was in the primary against Obama, she had a party on a spot on Crescent Street, around the corner from Arthur. There were secret service agents all over. Funny thing is a few months before, at a club two doors down, the NYPD had about 12 squad cars and 4 police vans roll up and arrest about a dozen albanians that were all packing and were part of Lenny's Crew (the albanian mafia). Before Lenny and Alex Rudaj got locked up, there were many more clubs. They are now doing 28 years each.

Arthur Avenue will survive because (1) many of the stores are still in the hands of Italians; (2) there are still Italians living there and they won't move; (3) Fordham University is a few blocks away and there are thousands of students and their families who go to Arthur Avenue to eat and shop, so they grow up with Arthur Avenue and return many, many times, many years later; (4) there are foods, products, cooking and baking products on Arthur Avenue that you can't get anywhere else or you can't get for cheaper (for example, Parmigiano Reggiano cheese can be bought on Arthur Avenue for half the price that they sell it anywhere else in the Bronx or Westchester and a third of what they sell it for in Manhattan, you can find all types of cuts of meat, there are stores that make their own dry sausage and salami, you can see and buy a sausage maker, a cheese grater, etc., you can get bread hot off the oven, or ravioli's made that same day or mozzarella that is still warm).