Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Look at my post above yours. Rigoletto is his wife's pride and joy. It ain't a hangout. Never has been, never will be.

After reading Capeci's book about Al D'Arco, I can easily understand this.

As per his words, D'Arco was obsessed with keeping his Italian restaurant (his day job) clean. La Donna Rosa was his pride and joy, similar to what PB wrote about Rigoletto. I believe his son was the head chef. Little Al was on probation and was prohibited from associating with known felons. So, allowing a fellow mobster to stop by for a simple chat could have potentially landed D'Arco back in jail.

D'Arco put his foot down about having the Chinese Flying Dragons gambling in the back room in a nearby restaurant owned by a Bonanno soldier. He scolded Vic Amuso for trying to talk business in La Donna Rosa, when stopping by after a visit to Gotti's Ravenite club. And he declined Gaspipe's offer to buy in as a partner and expand the restaurant.

He was obsessed with keeping the place free of mob activity and was very paranoid about LE placing bugs in there. And he was a captain and acting boss.

You shit-kicking, stinky, horse-manure-smelling motherfucker you! If you ever get out of line over there again, I'll smash your fucking head so hard you won't be able to get that cowboy hat on. You hear me? Fucking hick. -Nicky (Casino)