Originally Posted By: JCB1977
While your point is understood regarding the FBI's intel, how do you attribute the major success they have had in dismantling 16 out of the original 24 mafia families across the country? Over the last 30 years, they have indicted and convicted most mob bosses across the country and dealt blows to some who have never recovered. Must be really bad intel. Lol


You're giving them way too much credit. Most of the smaller families died off due to attrition, not the FBI dismantling them. Others died off due to infighting. Most of the Little Italy's are gone. The modern mob can't recruit anymore. That's why they're dying off.

It's 1980, and your the boss in KC/Tampa/NO/LA/SF/Dallas/Denver etc. A bunch of your guys are getting old and dying. Where do you find new recruits?

The FBI has been on the money in some cases and way off on others.