Dude you will be shocked what you read if you really get into it .

With the new evidence out from AARB, it almost impossible to believe the warren report as written and as new declassified documents show 3 of the 7!commissioners didn't believe it not too mention transcripts of LBJ who didn't believe it ( he claims it was Castro that got him which is partly true except it was the anti Castro group that couldn't get Castro and instead changed assassination plot to JFK.

The HSCA formally replaced the warren commission report from a Govt perspective to a probable conspiracy with " unknown conspirators " and left it at that . They ended it at and didn't dig any further due to no funding and time restraints which was true but in reality and as new declassified document show , the CIA mislead and likely to some extent controlled the HSCA ( appointing Joanaides , forcing the top notch investigator Sprague out as he was doing an all out investigation and would not cut any deals with the CIA. Curiously the HSCA classified a lot of documents that pointed towards a govt conspiracy ( Lopez report , CIA personal testimony , CIA files on Shaw , Ferrie , LHO etc ). Like I said earlier though , the fact no follow up from the DOJ in the biggest murder case in our countries history shows you how deep this went .

At this point it's pretty much proven that anti Castro Cubans ( Garcia , Del Valle , Cuesta Loran Hall, Sergio smith ) and their CIA sponsors ( shaw Ferrie Phillips Angelton Hunt Helms ) were part of a conspiracy and that LHO was a part of the conspiracy ( what he knew and his role is still tbd but getting details on the Chicago plot and who the tipster was would help in establishing who was involved , but how far up does it go is the question ( (Texas oil such as HL Hunt as the financial backers ? George Bush senior as well whose actions on that day are super fishy, being caught in several lies ).

If you want a book that has no bias and calls it as it is , get breach of trust by Gerald McKnight who just lays out the evidence .