Originally Posted By: oldirtyfishkilla

I appreciate the info but what you gave was a brief account of the family splitting up..

About the guys you gave, if they are dead, then by your rules, tell how they were connected to (or in) Rochester since they are new names to me.

You also mentioned in another thread that Sammy G was much older than you so I assume your were in your teens when this was all going down?

And yes, I know all about the Sullivan stuff as it was all well-covered and well-documented.

I entered the fray late in the war and early in life, I was earning with some money on the streets and selling guns at 18, my personal introduction to the ABC wars was the murder of Buffalo skipper Al Marrone in 1976 by Coloumbo associates (the C team) . I had no choice becuse no Buffalo made guy or associate was safe in Upstate NY from that point on.

Reigo lived in Rome NY, Mike Sr and Jr lived in Rochecter. As I said, they were quite simply Buffalo associates that sided with the valente's during the conflict, but not to the point where they had to go, or be banished.

As far as Sully, I challange you to show me any media reports that stated he ditched his car behine Whiteys cafe on Bleeker street in Utica, or that the was found to have spent one night in the warehouse of casa Imports in Utica, and the second night in the social club on 2nd aveneue, and that he was arrested at a gas station in Westmorland NY. The media accounts completly omitted tghis info as far as I know

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.