Los Zetas, holy shit I wish I never started reading this book.

I had always thought these were a bunch of coked out Mexican drug runners but good LORD!!! The organizational structure that Los Zetas possesses is EFFING RIDICULOUS!!! They seriously rival LCN and one can make a strong argument that they are just as sophisticated. Aside from the drugs they control every racket under the sun within their territory.

Huge parties like companies have that people like me and you work at (while giving away Rolex's and Mercedes) infiltration of ALL legitimate business.

They pay the families of dead Zetas around 1K every two weeks (talking US Dollars) to compensate their loved ones loss of life.

Then to find out that most of the brutal crimes conducted are in no way affiliated with Los Zetas but are carried out by "wannabe" Zetas and the actual Zetas have started a new wing that goes out and clips these wanna be gangsters for using their name.

In this day and age Los Zetas are WAYY more legit than LCN. And that coming from my mouth means something because I always thought these guys were Mexican LCN wannabes.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"