Originally Posted By: NinoSconza
Originally Posted By: TheArm
Originally Posted By: JCB1977
Out of all the mafia families that have been decimated by RICO and age & attrition, who do you think were the strongest in terms of influence in their respected geographic territories and why? Not based on the popularity of each mafia boss, but their true power and influence?

Defunct families include: Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Kansas City, Milwaukee, Northeastern Pennsylvania, Rochester, St. Louis, Dallas, Denver, San Jose, San Francisco, Tampa, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Rockford or Des Moines?

Pittsburgh, Northeastern Pennsylvania, and Rockford are still very much alive, Milwaukeee and Tampa are on life support but still active, there never were a Des Moines (Chicago crew) or a Dallas (a New Orleans crew)family, and Rochester never actually functioned as a family in spite of their attempt to seperate from Buffalo.
I would say KC and Tampa would have been neck and neck at the peak of their power

How long did the ABC Wars last when you were protecting your investments ? How did you just walk away? My friends uncle tried to walk away from the Colombo's but they wouldn't let them because of his shy operation. The pressure of mob life got to him he drank himself to death.

I wasnt so much protecting my "investments", I was very comfortable eaerning and kicking up to people I had known since I was a kid, and I would be fucked with a chainsaw before I would kick up to mutts like Nappi and Bretti or some other coke addicted NYC importfrom the Columbos. I have family in the Scranton/Pittston family as well, which made for some interesting weddings and funerals back then. My involvement began around 1978 and eneded when I got out of Prison in the mid 90s after doing 14 months.(I was lucky, it was a totally botched case) I was able to walk away becuse I was faceing RICO charges, and I rolled over on NO ONE. Dont get me wrong, I dabbled in some things after that and I still keep my associations, but no one has come to me looking for a weekly envelope in about 20 years

Last edited by TheArm; 12/30/13 02:00 PM.

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.