Antonio was born in 1909, died in 1994. His name pops up in a report of the Special Committee to Investigate Presidential, Vice Presidential, and Senatorial Campaign Expenditures in 1944. 500 dollars was contributed in his name. In the 1970s, Antonio Magliocco faced scrutiny when the Brandeis University presented destinguished service awards to him and his son John. They both were recipients of the Brandeis honors. It was discovered that the Maglioccos had contributed with atleast 60 thousand dollars to Brandeis since the early 1950s.
To my knowledge, Antonio Magliocco was never convicted or even arrested for any crimes. That´s basically what I know about him. There may be more info in the Scarpa files, but I can´t say for sure. I don´t remember him being mentioned in there, other than the mention of him being a member of Cutolo´s crew.

Attached Files Antonio and John Magliocco.png

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