Originally Posted By: JCB1977
In regards to the skim, Cleveland was actually with Kansas City. They actually received a higher percentage of the skim due to Maishe Rockman's relationship with Bill Presser, Allan Dorfman and Gus Alex out of Chicago. Rockman was instrumental in getting the Teamster Loan through Presser and Dorfman.

Here's a scenario I always wondered about: Let's take Traficante and Marcello, both prominent figures in their time and both had ties to New York. The fact of the matter is that if NY or Chicago wanted to muscle in to their rackets, they easily could have based on the fact that they had more muscle and clout than Tampa and New Orleans.

In Los Angeles, while they were one of the weaker families, they also controlled the motion picture unions through Anthony Milano, former boss and consigliere in Cleveland who sent both of his sons Carmen & Peter out to L.A. to run the rackets with Frattiano playing a key role.

ya it seems new york stayed out of their territories out of respect for trafficante and marcello, not because of hw much muscle they had,cause it didn't take to long for new york to move in and take advantage in new orleans and florida after their deaths.

"Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I've been a poor man, and I've been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time."

-Jordan Belfort