Originally Posted By: Iceman999
Originally Posted By: bigboy
Most of these mob murders were terrible, but as noted above, when "Gaspipe" Casso killed Jimmy Hydel he was first tortured until he begged to be killed. Casso fired rounds into his joints so that he would suffer. I also have to wonder about some of the DeMeo murders- whether any of them were still alive before being cut up. And, even though he was already dead, the time Chris Rosenberg put the victims head in a trash compactor and "Squished" it.

The "Gemini Method" involved DeMeo putting a round in the back of the victims head, which would have almost certainly killed the victim instantaneously. Then Rosenberg would stab the victim in the heart to stop it from pumping. So if by some miracle the bullet in the back of the head didn't kill the victim instantaneously, the stab into the heart would have. The corpses were then taken to the bathroom, hung up, and had their throats slits. This process took about 40 mins.

So no, there was absolutely no way anyone that was disposed of using the Gemini Method would have been slaughtered while still alive.
Yeah, I know that was the "Standard" "Gemini method" But what I wonder about is if any were a "Rush job" where they took a quick non fatal shot and then quickly started cutting. I know a well placed shot would be fatal but a "Quickie" may not be. I met a NYC street cop years ago who told me he shot a guy in the head and he kept coming after him. The round traveled around the skull and came out the side. Anyway, one way or another- just brutal.