Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
have you watched any of AHS Asylum yet DC? If so what do you think compared to Murder House?

I just finished Asylum. I enjoyed it.....up until the season finale that is.

The first 10 episodes or so were extremely sick, twisted and interesting. I particularly loved the way that they made the viewer go from despising Sister Jude to eventually rooting for her.

But the season finale was wayyyy too predictable and for the most part uneventful.

If I had to compare the 1st two seasons I would have to say that overall I enjoyed season 1's Murder House story line more than season 2's Asylum story line because Murder House, in my opinion, was much more interesting and the season finale of Murder House was much much more eventful bringing the entire season and all of its characters full circle.

I have tried watching this season's Coven story line, but had a very hard time getting past the first episode. Guess I'm not really into the witches thing! lol

Sorry DC i have just noticed this after looking at the Homeland thread.

The reason i preferred Asylum was that they didn't try to make the end a mystery, it was clear from the episode that reveals Bloodyfaces identity that was how the series was going to end.

The problem with the Murder House mystery imo, was that there was supposed to be a mystery, even though it was clear from the start that the house was full of ghosts. What did it reveal in the end that you didn't already assume?

One thing i have to say and i'm sure you'd agree from your posts, is that Jessica Lange makes the series, i think the reason we eventually turn from hate to sympathy is her performance. I'd also say that Zachary Quinto and Joseph Fiennes need mentioning as their performances in Asylum are great.