Originally Posted By: antimafia

A recent case in point: the newest victim, Roger Valiquette, was said to have had close ties to Tonino Callocchia, the man who survived a murder attempt in Laval (immediately north of Montreal) on February 1 of this year. Callocchia was reported to be the brother-in-law of the imprisoned Vincenzo Armeni, a major Calabrian drug trafficker based in the Montreal area who commands a lot of respect in the Montreal underworld for various reasons, including being the nephew of Giuseppe Armeni. Valiquette was considered to be a close associate of Raynald Desjardins. On May 9 of this year, Callocchia was arrested for threatening a woman close to Desjardins. Last month, on November 24, visitation appears to have taken place at the Rizzuto-clan-owned funeral home in Montreal for Ernesta Alvaro Armeni, the mother of Vincenzo Armeni. Vincenzo Armeni's father also appears to have been shown at this funeral home in late December 2006. The death notices for Vincenzo Armeni's parents suggest that Callocchia is not his brother-in-law.

There are many more of these headscratchers.

Two days ago (December 24), Daniel Renaud of La Presse compiled a list of individuals who are potential candidates to replace Vito Rizzuto -- see http://plus.lapresse.ca/screens/4d61-a978-52b8a8da-8089-38adac1c6068%7C.rwjAIzX.m-j.html.

Earlier this year, when Renaud wrote about the failed murder attempt on Tonino Callocchia's life on February 1, Renaud identified Callocchia as someone who sources had said was one of a number of individuals who had sided against Rizzuto. Now Callocchia is seen as a successor to Vito.


#MontrealMafia #headscratcher