Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Originally Posted By: TheArm
All I can say is that this article got a lot right but some important things wrong;
First,,,,double the made guy count. The rumors of the families demise have been highly over stated
Second...Be careful when calling the Canadian and Utica crews "formally subservient", they are still very much Buffalo cities and Buffalo crews. I know this first hand because I did battle in the 80s and early 90s to keep them that way.
Interesting you mention Russ Carcone. Russ had one of the shortest tenures as acting skipper in the history of the LCN, he was way over his head and even he and his Dad(may he rest in peace) knew it.
As for Canada, it's centered Hamilton today is run by a capo and a street boss (they will both remain nameless as their names are not common knowledge)who both report directly to Falzone.
In Syracuse and Rochester it's business as usual. The A-B-C wars are long forgotten and although I still chuckle when I see reports of a "Rochester family", make no mistake, it belongs to Buffalo.
The Arm's Florida and Vegas activity is seldom mentioned, but I will save that for it's own thread.

Are you out of your mind? How the fuck would you know any of this? You did battle in the 80s and 90s? And I'm the fuckin emperor of Japan

I would know this becuse I was THERE son....you should listen and you might learn something

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.