It was 3 Guys from what i know that wanted to do something but couldnt

Santo Di Matteo

Although a key witness in several important trials under way, he had returned home to recommence his criminal activities and avenge atrocities carried out on family members 11-year-old son, Giuseppe Di Matteo was kidnapped and murdered and the body dissolved in a barrel of acid to prevent the family holding a proper funeral at which they could mourn and to destroy evidence

Salvatore Contorno
On May 26, 1989 Contorno was arrested in a hide out in an area called the triangle of death (Bagheria, Altavilla and Casteldaccia) near Palermo together with his cousin Gaetano Grado and a cache of weapons.[15] In the previous weeks members of the winning factions of the Second Mafia War allied with the Corleonesi had been killed and the police suspected the raided hide out had something to do with the killings. Examination of the weapons showed that they were not used in the murders.

and i forgot the 3 one