What I don't understand is why do people feel the President is a "strong" leader?

Another is the constant remarks from known GOP faithful that the President is "carrying on the mantle of Reagan"...

First off, Reagan was charismatic and was a pro in campaigner and debating. UNLIKE you know who.

Second, yes Europeans didn't approve of many American actions in the 1980's(like the air strike against Libya for example) but while I'm not for such things as a "Global Test", did Reagan totally alienate traditional allies? Hell, he even ordered an invasion of a member nation(Grenada, in case you primitive screwheads didn't know ) state of the British Commonwealth, and the US/UK relationship isn't strain to the point like between US and France.

Fact is, I felt Reagan was a GOOD President, but this stooge in the White House trying to use his name as a facade to the faithful that he is something that he "aint"....thus why me, an actual traditional Republican party man, will vote for Kerry.

P.S. - As for Iraq...is it me or is the non-ability to "finish the job" involving Iraq a family trait with the Bush clan?

P.S.S. - I think Kerry is a piss-poor counter-choice to the Dubya. Me, I rather wish Wesley Clark or even Edwards(if only because his face doesn't scare little children and puppies to death like the Vietnam War hero, and basically is the non-chipmunk fat version of Clinton) but I hate to use this term since I think its idiotic in nature, but...."Lesser of the Evils".