Originally posted by Double-J:
My question is this: when has the President made a decision wholly based upon his religion? When has Bush, in his 3+ years in office, based a decision in American politics soley on his Christian faith?

He hasn't.
We don't really know that for sure, though, do we?

I'm not saying he has, but I don't think you can state with certainty that he hasn't.

Originally posted by Double-J:
If people we're really concerned he was going to be some religious zealot, he wouldn't be on the ballot. I mean, how many muslims will we see on the ballot, ever in our lifetimes? Lieberman is the closest, and as long as were at it, I'm surprised nobody brought up the fact that he is a Jew.
Lieberman is the closest to what? Being a Muslim, or being a religious zealot?

I certainly don't think you can compare his religious zeal to Bush's.

One of the main things that concerns me about Bush is his statement that he's doing "God's work"

And BTW, Lieberman's practice of Orthodox Jewry gave me great pause in thinking about whether or not I wanted to vote for Gore. And I'm Jewish, altho I don't practice the religion or believe in God.

Originally posted by Double-J:
despite Bush's faith, he is not bound with regards to representing an equal America for all people.
Like a constitutional ammendment against gay marriage?

"Difficult....not impossible"