Originally posted by Krlea:
I highly doubt it's the biggest contradiction you've ever seen. And I already responded. My point was that yes abortion is wrong, however if a woman is raped then it was not her decision to have sex, therefore I do believe she should be allowed to have an abortion if she chooses to do so. What I don't think should be legal is me going out having sex (with or without protection) and then getting an abortion. Unless you are not from this planet then you should know that there is no such thing as 100% protection, therefore having sex is a decision. Rape and incest are not. That is where we differ. It doesnt mean I think abortion is ok.

That is also why I do believe in teaching abstinence in high school. Bush is not being an idiot and saying "Oh if we teach abstinence then they won't have sex," he is teaching students that there is no fool proof method to not getting pregnant if you have sex. [b]That
is the basis and reasoning behind teaching Abstinence. [/b]
Yes, it is the biggest contradiction I've ever seen and I'm going to stand by my statement: You're either for it 100 % of against it 100 %.

On abstinence--If you have funds to put into health classes, would you promote contraception or abstinence? I would promote contraceptive. Kids won't wait. It's 2004. Sex is like a regular thing. It's not even considered a risk anymore. You know why it's not considered a risk? The youth have few health classes. Fortunately, I have a very good health class, but some schools have none. -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur