Originally posted by Krlea:
[quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
If he thinks an abortion is murder, then why isn't it murder in cases of incest or rape? You either support it 100 % or you're against it 100 %. -Pat
I don't want to get into an abortion debate, I just had to point out that I was annoyed by that statement Pat.
Abortion is not a black and white issue, you can't say you're either 100% for it or 100% against it. There are way too many instances for it to be that way. Yes I think abortion is wrong, but if I was raped I would get an abortion. So where does that put me?
I believe in choices, which means the choice of not putting yourself in the type of situation where you would need an abortion. I do believe in abortion should be a choice only in instances of rape, incest, or harm to the mother. [/b][/quote]Yes, it IS a black and white issue. You're either FOR it or AGAINST it. If you and DJ consider it murder for someone who has consensual sex, then you consider it murder for someone who has an abortion if they were raped. It's not a topic where you can say, well "if that's what happened, then it's ok." You're either ok with abortions 100 % or against them 100 %. How can you call yourself pro-life if you are for abortions for incest and rape? It's the biggest contradiction I've ever seen. -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur