Originally posted by Patrick:
[quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
[b] DJ--I am a Catholic and pro-choice. I support abortions. Does that mean I'm going against my religion too? :rolleyes:
Does this moronic statement even merit a response?

Didn't think so. [/b][/quote]What a cheap shot. Because I support something that you BELIEVE is 'murder,' it makes me go against my religion. I am very faithful and I believe we're here to make our own decisions--not have someone make them for us. -Pat [/b][/quote]A faith based upon convenience is an empty faith.

What I'm saying is this - in my opinion, it is going against the Catholic church (and what I'm trying to explain) to support abortion. It is your right to do so.

But don't go spouting how catholic you are, or how John Kerry is a dedicated catholic, if he supports a.) the infanticide of millions and b.) the destruction of embryos for a purpose that has been shown successful in adult stem cells.

Either way, this goes against the teachings of the catholic church.

I'm not going to get on my soapbox and say "I'm a great catholic" or something, it's not my job to preach. But what I am saying is that for going around and saying that he is catholic, John Kerry does not stand with the catholic church.

And don't say I "believe" that abortion is infanticide, it is. The meeting of sperm and egg at conception produces, guess what, a 46 chromosomed organism, which is unique to humans. It's a human being. Not a fucking meatball you can rip out and destroy, but a human life.