The only thing Kerry's statement says to me is that he still cannot voice an opinion. Everything he says can be taken one way or another. He's so careful not to tick anyone off. Thank God for real men like G.W. He knows how he feels and isin't afraid to say it. Even if I don't always agree with Bush's point of view, I always respect how he does it and that he does it with conviction.

I'm sure Kerry is a great and smart man but he never comes off as a leader to me. I don't want someone who is going to back down everytime someone critizes him.

I'm also a firm believer in the seperation of church and state. However I find it interesting when people claim their religion does not affect their decision making process. How is this even possible? So to me Kerry's statement shows me that he is either lying or has no backbone. Either way he is just trying to say the right thing. Bush, however, knows we don't want to hear that his religion affects his decision making process, but its the truth, so he says it. I can appreciate the honesty.

Ok there ya go, a very small reason why I am supporting Bush.