Sonny I agree. As far as the "underworld" I think yes Vito is untouchable at this point. He just has too much support to be clipped even though his son and father and brother in law are gone. That shows his power, his whole family (the higher ups I mean) were either killed or switched sides and he STILL came out of prison on top and proved it after Di Maulo was executed in his driveway. The rest of the story has shown in the news how it turned out.

In terms of taking Vito down in the governments eye will all hinge on Raynald, if he flips it will get interesting. But with all the laws in Canada being so weak he could probably be out in 10 even if pegged with murder. It all depends on the evidence against him and who actually pulled the trigger. Honestly I'd like to see what happens if he got out of prison. I think he's a dead man walking if he ever gets out. I think if he doesn't beat this case or if he gets a big sentence then we might see the heat get turned up on Vito.