I admire the fact that Kerry doesn't allow his religion to dictate his position on abortion.

Apple will remember, I think, that when JFK ran for President, his opponents voiced the concern that "He would be taking orders from the Vatican".

And one of the things that scares me about Bush is that he thinks he's doing "God's work." Quite frankly, I don't like the idea at all that Bush allows his religious beliefs, or his "faith" to enter into his decision making process.

First step on the "slippery slope": God's work.
Last step: A sanctioned state religion.

Originally posted by Double-J:
Ooh...I forgot...John Kerry is a practicing Catholic, but he won't push his religion on anyone (especially since he's been lying in bed with Jesse Jackson recently).
I must be missing the point on the above regarding jesse Jackson. What is it?

If either of the candidates are appealing to voters based on religion, it's Bush in a landslide.

"Difficult....not impossible"