Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: FrankMazola
He's had 5 years to pick up the pieces and all he does is spend. The mantra is take, take, take, gimme, gimme, gimme. Healthcare, the crowning achievement, is in shambles. 53% of CNN viewers want the Affordable Care Act repealed. This guy is going to go down in history as a failure.

I'm an impartial pro union moderate but this guy is too left for me.

you can't save a ruined economy in five years

our economy may never get back to the way it was pre-bush

bush spent billions on fabricated wars and nobody seemed to care much

I blame the Cheney-and-his aides political machine that ran the show as Colin Powell, Condy Rice, and maybe Bush himself stood around ill informed. Not that those three are saints in any way, you know. There's a little truth in both sides but the war crimes, war profiteering, human rights abuses, and lies to the American public should never be forgotten ESPECIALLY when comparing presidents. What's my take on Obama? Way too inexperienced to be a head of state and sold out on his own healthcare platform to private insurance companies to appease the the GOP. I can't see any 'good' president doing half of the things he does but the times have changed. Seems any day now the tea party might declare its independence and we'll have a 3 party system. I don't know enough about economics to say what kind of job Obama has done digging us out of recession. I'm a liberal and he's done enough to make me mad but I would rather him than Bush any day.

I feel like I'm not contributing here and I apologize but OP, where is Gary and which mob fam had control? Thanks.