This goes back to the late 80's when I was doing some municipal inspections in Chicago's South Suburbs. This particular house was in Glenwood, Il. Typically speaking an appointment would be made by the dept. of public works with the homeowner for me or a rep from the company I worked for to inspect the home at the homeowner's convenience. This particular appointment was no exception and the day was unremarkable up until I arrived there. It was an early Autumn day, the Sun had been out and it was a very pleasant day.

I parked in front of the house on the street and as I did the clouds seemed to converge and darken everything. I sat in the car until the exact time of the appointment and I remember getting a kind of down feeling just being there. A few minutes later I was at the front door ringing the bell exactly at the time of the scheduled appointment. There was no answer after ringing several times and knocking. I remembered seeing a side entrance from the driveway and decided to give that door a try. There was a bell on that door as well so I rang it with no result. I opened the stormdoor and knocked, the door creaked open a bit. Any further progress opening was blocked by what appeared to be shoes or feet. There was no answer. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. The chill still runs through me...

"There are no friends in crime." ~ Muccanera

"Look everyone right in the eye and walk in like you own the joint." ~ Me

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