The West Coast Crew were pretty powerful, but not as powerful as the side of the Bonanno's that were backed up by The Commission. Bill Bonanno also mentioned in his book Bound By Honor that he had a lot of soldiers on the West Coast that were ready, just in case one of the California mafia families like the Cerrito's tried to mess with them. JB was involved in organized crime with members listed above until the late 80's. There was even a murder in Arizona in the 1970s, one by a Boyles that people suspect Bonanno ordered or was involved in. Bill was involved in all kinds of scams, while he was living out West. Same with his brother.

Some evidence show that Joe Bonanno and his son Bill retired from Cosa Nostra after the Bananas War ended in 1968. They were pushed out basically. But there's also evidence that shows they ran a Mob Family (just not LCN anymore) on the West Coast in the 1970s or way into the 1980s as this chart suggests. Bonanno's book came out in 1983 I know that. But if you notice in his book, he never said he did anything wrong at all.