Originally Posted By: JCB1977
Places like Youngstown, Pittsburgh and Cleveland detest the African Americans moving in and bringing down property value, which I'm sorry to say is a "fact." I am anything but racist, but these cities businesses were barely affected by the mafia. The working men drank and gambled and had the money to do so because work was plentiful and overtime was sky high due to steel production. Blame our government...blame that cocksucker that's in office right now who is destroying our country day by day and extending unemployment by a year, jacking up insurance rates on the middle class so the poor could have free insurance, allowing immigrants to come into this country and get free education...If you have children, you SHOULD be worried about their future cause this asshole is hell bent on ensuring they have nothing.

that drunk career C- student is more to blame for our countries downfall

you can't blame the guy who got voted in to pick up the pieces