Was there actual evidence Tocco was present at the murder?

I believe his ex wife could only testify that she picked him up looking filthy at 6am at a gas station. It is plausible that Tocco was not present at the crime scene, only at the burial.

From what Nicky Calabrese reported, there were high ranking guys from each crew there and even he didn't know everyone. He believed that each crew had been given a specific task and the orders came down from the top...Carlisi and Ferriola.

Each crew had a specific job. Cicero lured them to the house. At the house, Cicero, 26th St. and Elmwood Park were present. I forget exactly who took down Tony and who took down Michael, but it appeared coordinated. Tocco's far south side crew then completed the dig in NW Indiana.

All of the guys there were high ranking, at least within their respective crews.