The Feds will only let them rebuild to a point. They can turn it on and off like tap water. It'll never be what it was. Everything is relative, anyway. With the advances in electronic surveillance, they just don't need as many field agents as they did twenty years ago.

That being said, two agents is still a very low number. But if the Feds think these guys are getting too strong again, they'll increase that number and stop them dead in ther tracks. The smarter bosses and skippers (like Stevie and Barney) realize this, and they're content to keep it right where it is. You don't tug on Superman's cape, and they know it.

And I hate to break it to the European posters here. But no matter how many agents have been reassigned to anti-terror, the United States government STILL has unlimited resources when it wants to use them. And that's the key:

If the wiseguys are smart, they won't try to grow themselves. Because if they do, that's when the government will put those resources into action. If the New York families keep everything status quo, they'll be able to stick around that much longer.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.