Carmine gave a lot of power to Orena cause he is family. A cousin I believe. Carmine never would have thought Vic would turn on him, but Orena had been acting like a boss and meeting other members of the crime family, to where he had the family's pulse and knew a majority of the members wanted Carmine to step down and name a boss who was not in prison or under indictment. Orena told Sessa to take a poll from the capo's on replacing Persico, but instead Sessa did not do that and reported that to Carmine, thus staring the fourth Colombo war. The second Colombo war stopped when Joe Yacovelli fled new York and the commission brokered a peace deal between the Colombo's and Albert Gallo. The war in the mid 70's started when Cutrone tried to kill Illiano.

"I have this Nightmare. I'm on 5th avenue watching the St. Patrick's Day parade and I have a coronary and nine thousand cops march happily over my body." Chief Sidney Green