This is actually my first presidential election I'm voting in, and yes I voted yesterday.

However, since I live in a southern state that is guaranteed to go to the Dubya, I dunno if my vote actually mattered in this state. However, I rest in sleep knowing that my vote won't be thrown out or disqualified in a court decision that has seemed to be guaranteed in some of these swing states.

Oh, and who did I vote for? Lets just say that I'm voting for the guy that I feel is less likely to call up a military draft than the other guy(but I still feel its likely under these two stooges).

Really, if a draft does occur, me and many many many amigos of mine plan to either drive off and go into Canada or Mexico and get drunk/laid while we wait it out until a President pulls a Jimmy Carter and give us amnesty. Yup, history repeats itself.

Though I can see the two candidates seem to use this draft issue to scare the younger voters into stepping in-line with their campaigns. Thank god I'm not that naive and say "Bah".