Ok, I voted.

No, really.

Today was the first day of early voting in my area. I drove 20 miles to the County Courthouse to beat the November 2nd rush.

The Albuquerque Journal reported this past weekend that Albuquerque is only 2nd to Miami nationwide in the number of political ads in radio, television and print. It is to the point where we don't even see beer or fast food commercials anymore and it is explained that New Mexico (usually high Democratic turnout) is one of the "deciding" states. Both candidates are clearly trying to court the Hispanic and Native American vote.

What was interesting is for the first time, I voted using an electronic computer with a touch screen. I was given a card which looks like a hotel passkey to insert into my machine to record my precinct number. I was really not comfortable with this method. On this particular day there was much disorganization. A guy next to me had the wrong precinct number entered on his card and had to resubmit his card to the pollworker to get it corrected. Many older people were confused what to touch on the screen and to tell the truth, I prefer to see as little interaction between the pollworkers and the voters as possible as to not taint the process. You never want to think that people are being "helped" in their decision on who to vote for!

In the most recent issue of Newsweek it is reported at least 6 equipment methods are being used nationwide to record votes:

Paper ballots = .6%
Punch Cards = 18.6%
Optical Scan = 32%
Lever = 13%
Electronic = 29%
Mixed (ind. townships decide) = 6.8%

So much for consistency!

So, as far as demographics - I am a white, 35-45 year old professional woman, with a median household income of $120,000 - $150,000 annually. I am vehemently opposed to the death penalty and believe in a woman's right to choose. Yes, you read correctly.

Not that it matters, but I am a registered Democrat. I did not, nor do I EVER vote a straight party ticket. I voted for a few Republicans and probably a few more Democrats. I voted against most of the general obligation bonds that were up for review and voted to retain the judges who were up for retention.

I voted Kerry/Edwards. Guess my vote is not up for debate as it has already happened.

All I can say is I have voted in every election since I turned 18. People who do have the right need to exercise it.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....