All this talk about registering and voting got me to thinking. The first election I could vote for Pres. was in 1972 (you had to be 21 back then). I voted for George McGovern who lost in one of the most lopsided elections in history. Nixon was reelected and never finished his second term. Tricky Dick was caught lying and covering up.

I voted in all Pres elections after that 76,80,84,88,92,96, but missed 2000. I was on a business trip in Atlanta, then drove to Nashville in the afternoon for a trade show. Gore was suppose to have his victory party there. Three weeks later I was in England and the Brits were asking us if we elected a President yet. 2004.....who knows?

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12