Originally Posted By: AnthonyScarfo
Do you think that American LCN will be off with the extinction of italian american people in maybe 100 years or more less or will they always be here with members of various ethnicities (I mean particularly non italian - italian american whites).

It's not so much that Italian Americans are becoming "extinct," as much as that we've assimilated. There's a difference. Most Italian Americans don't NEED crime anymore, and that's a good thing.

Originally Posted By: AnthonyScarfo
We must also consider the fact that zips could come more numerous to swell the ranks.

I post this whenever this topic comes up, which seems to be about once a week. But where are these "zips" coming from? Are you remotely familiar with American immigration laws today?

Italians are at the bottom of the list today when it comes to being granted green cards. They're not Mexicans, and they can't crawl under the fence to get here. And even if they could, who says they want to?

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.