Originally Posted By: Leo

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Gemma killed tara and I was like Oh shit.
Then Juice killed Roosevelt And I was like oh shit again.

I thought juice had buried or moved the bodies when he was putting stuff into the bins.

Jax is going to get charged with the murders, you can see it in that bitches(DA) eyes.

Sorry for lack of clarity, I literally just watched it and i'm still a little thinking "oh shit".

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I thought that at first that the DA will charge Jax but I don't see how due to no residue on Jax's gun/and the bullets won't match. As much as I wanted Tara dead I felt bad. When I seen Chibs cry I lost it. Since Juice took care of the evidence will he get back in Jax's good graces? How will Jax react when he finds out that Gemma killed Tara? How will Wendy be involved with the kids?

I loved Tara's reaction when she seen Jax at the park.

Last edited by Mignon; 12/12/13 01:07 AM.

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12