What those guys didn't understand back then but guys with a little real chemistry knowledge did is that while it was great to start with the p2p you really didn't need to buy it...you could easily make it using phenylacetic acid or several other chemicals as your starting chemical. There were guys that all they did was make the p2p and sell it....at one time the price of that shit was so high people were paying thousands for a lousy gallon of the stuff. A gallon would make you in the neighborhood of 10 lb's depending on who was doing the cook.

And then in the 90's all the underground cooks learned how to make better, stronger and cheaper meth using ephedrine or pseudoephedrine instead of p2p and on top of that you didn't need methylamine anymore either, it was already in the ephedrine/pseudo pills. Those guys didn't control shit after that became the popular and MUCH easier way to make speed. Any toothless hillbilly and their mother could make the shit then.

And they still don't control anything anymore. Everyone gets their shit from the mexicans these days.....even most of the 1%er clubs. It's just so much easier and cheaper to get it from them.....they control the meth production now. Not the mob and not the bikers.