i've read all of the published books (anastasia's and leonetti's), and I wonder about Scarfo's involvement in the Bruno hit.

I think Scarfo, at the time, was very loyal to LCN. And, he must have had a decent relationship with Bruno, for Bruno to OK a hit on a judge (helfant) by Scarfo, among others. But, on the one hand, the Bruno/Scarfo relationship seemed highly strained (paperclip episode in jail,Scarfo "siding" with Chicken in the Phil Testa/Bruno rift, the Bartenders union issue).

I question how much Scarfo knew about the Bananas/Genovese plot to have Bruno hit.

He had a very tight relationship with Bobby Manna and seems like the type to let everyone know that he was the man in AC. The Caponigro double cross at the hands of Funzi Tieri is just, well, stupid on behalf of Tony Bananas. To think that he could embarass Tieri with a commission ruling a year or 2 prior on the Newark Bookie, and then go to him to whack a boss, he must of had someone else (scarfo, via his relationship with Bobby Manna) assuring him that the Genovese were on his side.

Just a theory.

Boss of tha toilet!