I stand corrected. After thinking about it,I agree that since the
attendees had records,and probably had some murderers in their number,that their basic Constitutional rights were null and void.

Since they might possibly have been planning to maybe consider murdering someone, somewhere, in the near future they certainly deserved to be gunned down for resisting arrest. The problem is in the lenient sentences we hand down to Mobsters.Instead of an obstruction of justice charge,the State Troopers should have just picked out the guys with records and shot them.

While we're at it,let's go a step further and bring in some psychics. That way they could actually tell us what possible crimes these guys might have discussed had they been left alone. We could then kill those guys too.

I believe that our Society would be much better off if the cops had the discretion to just kill people for the crime of barbecuing. I would go further and stake out boxing matches,restaurants,weddings,etc,since Mob guys with records see each other at these events as well,and probably discuss possibly considering criminal activity.We could then just wait outside and arrest them all as they come out. If we're lucky,maybe they'll resist,and the cops can kill them too.

How dare the cops let guys "walk free" from crimes they never committed. Next thing you know,we'll actually have to provide evidence to get convictions. I for one,don't want to live in a country where people that we don't like get the same legal rights as the rest of us.