I propose a thread, this very one, where DVD "folks" of this great messageboard do short/simple reviews of their recent(or not) DVDs and discuss just-released or upcoming DVD releases.

For instance, I'll post up a very-short review of the UNTOUCHABLES: SPECIAL EDITION DVD I bought last night at Circuit City for $9, but here in this thread I will do similar very-short DVD reviews of PRIMARY COLORS(which was also on sale for $9 and I bought due to my college course doing a large section on the source novel. Hey, Cut corners when you can!) and SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION: SPECIAL EDITION. Not to mention my previous purchase a week ago, the SE DVD of William Friedkin's much-dug and much-hurting still from its pure-80's aftertaste cop flick TO LIVE AND DIE IN LA.

Feel free to do such reviews of any of your DVDs right here.....or put a horse's head in my bed while I sleep, whatever tickles your fancy.